ALTERURBANET is born out of the necessity and wish of sharing experiences, work and thoughts, in the urban field. It has been initiated by a group of friends, students and professionals, working on interlinked subjects all over the world.
ALTERURBANET is based on the idea of compiling a multiplicity of visions, in order to “complexify” our interpretation of urban dynamics.
ALTERURBANET aims at constituting an open and horizontal platform of interaction, that binds people of similar thoughts and expressions together by providing better outlets for open dialogue. It also looks up in offering support for the selfless Internet publication of the net’s member’s work. We aspire to use our personal investigation as a communicational tool that shall aggravate and amalgamate the collective construction. We revolt against the individualistic academicism that is causing the loss of student’s efforts and researches that usually gets obscured in the university archives.
We will try that ALTERURBANET constitutes as a support structure by net thematic axes for anyone interested in sharing theirs opinions and work.